Monday, November 19, 2007


Ok so I'm not supposed to be this slow. but i just relised it's been really peaceful month. i mean no one has picked on the regulars(the small, nerdy, weird, ect.) in a while. i mean shredders been gone. and no one talks about him. he wasn't there to hit on the new girl and clarrisa hasn't even mentioned him. it seems like she didn't even know or dated a guy like him. hmmmm i wonder.... well hmm

johnny's been acting really weird around me. i mean he won't really talk to me and it's kinda weird. i got johnny's skateboard down from the tree and gave it back to him. he didn't even really say thanks. hmmm

there is to much to think about.

we i have to admit to a disgusting crime. i full frontal made-out with ulric. god how could i be!? he won't stop bugging was totally the cookies that he gave me i swear. i'll set the scene. on the roof of the house. midnight. i couldn't sleep. i pop out of bed go up to the roof and boom theres ulric. i sit down by him. he starts talking to me. then he gives me some stolen cookies. lol. then we keep talking and then he leans in. sadly so do i. then all of the sudden we are kissing. hmmm i'm really sad....yeah and now as i said he won't leave me alone.


Unknown said...

Hah! I win. I deman mah money now!!


Shendin said...

Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!
What the heck!
Are you NUTS Trin!?!


He must have put something in those cookies that stoned you or something, or he put some drug in there that made you insane.

